Thursday, July 11, 2013

Patio demolition update

What started off as simple little bit of yard work turned into more    sledgehammer swinging to break up the old patio that was damaged in the storm. It was a lot of hard work! We ended up with yet another pile of rubble to be hauled away this weekend.
Managed to take a few new pictures of our little garden. I am blooming with exciting news! Our cukes are flowering finally and starting to climb the make shift trellis! Yummy I can already taste the homemade refrigerator pickles !! They are my favorite summer goody!
Tomatoes are doing well and a few are as tall as 3ft which amazed me! There are lots of flowers on them but so far no fruitation. We will cross our fingers!

1 comment:

  1. The garden looks great! Very healthy...and the pickles sound divine, Jen.
