Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Positive vibes win!!

Ever had one of those days that started out great UNTIL ... you get to work. I am determined to not let the small things get to me anymore.
Positive vibes!!! Pandora Radio blaring my favorite songs, piping hot coffee with yummy French Vanilla creamer, comfy sweat shirt to keep the chill away and pounding out many pages of progress on this keyboard. I am a stress survivor today! Yay me!!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Fresh eyes

Thankful the past few days of 12 hour work shifts are over. What chaos after being gone extra few days. Buzzed through the 2nd day with an idea of a planned what needs to be done list! I often have to make lists these days, I wonder if it's too much going on or my age sometimes. I couldn't wait to get home though to gather my warm jammies and head to a hot shower. The weather got really creepy looking with dense fog setting in and then magically dispersing within 20minutes. I captured a very nice picture of the moon gleaming over the park across the road.

Tonight the freezing rain has left sheets of ice on the roads. I'm glad to be safely tucked into my chair with my hook in hand. I have still not liked the eyes I have created a couple different times for my lil guys owl hat. I'm going to give it a rest and try to come back to it tomorrow with my own set of "fresh eyes". Creativity block.. ughh!
I visited the new and improved today. I really like the look of things and it's easy to navigate around for lots of lookie-loo inspiration and ooooh &ahhh's of admiration. Is it just me or do other people set out to look something up and wind up spending hours just surfing all the pages of talented hooky work? Most often it strikes me as eye candy! Happy hooking and looking ya'll :)

Friday, January 25, 2013

Under the weather

Today marks two days of being cooped up inside fighting off the remains of a stomach flu bug that's found it's way into our home. I am victim #3 this week. What a miserable feeling! On the up side I'm getting my strength back thanks to good ole yummy chicken noodle soup and crackers. I'm hoping to be able to pick up my crochet hooks this evening to finish a much anticipated owl hat for my lil guy. He keeps walking over and picking it up to try it on his head. I just did not have the energy to attempt it last night. According to my better half I slept through two documentaries he played on Netflix. I had no idea I had closed my eyes so long.
This is the progress so far of lil guys owl hat. Face and earless still, but hope to get it all cutie patootie soon! The picture doesn't show the brightness of the green and red colors to match his winter coat. While there are numerous wonderful free patterns online I tend to combine the finer points of them to create my own version. Once finished I will post a better picture.

On a better note, prior to becoming a victim of flu virus,  I have accomplished my dreaded task of cleaning the oven. So much scrubbing involved that I accidentally removed a few decals around the burner knobs....opps!  After consulting my dear ole dad, the panic left as he reassured me I could look up my model oven on the web to order new decals. I have not yet gotten a chance to look, but I'm keeping positive he's right.
So why all the cleaning? I have planned a bake-a-thon to appease my little ones and hubby. The weather has gotten so miserably cold here (-20 with the wind chill last night) I thought some homemade cookies and muffins would warm us up a few degrees. Some time ago I found a wonderful from scratch chocolate chocolate-chip muffin recipe online. They turned out so rich, moist and chocolatey! They were an instant hit! Recipe Here . Next were on to the old faithful Oatmeal Raisin cookies. Sounds so delicious with a glass of cold milk!

Naptime is calling to lil guy and a nice hot cup of coffee for me.