Saturday, March 30, 2013

Play prop reveal

I was asked if I could make wildly crazy headbands that brought to mind Dr. Seuss characters for a play production  our agency is hosting. I took the challenge and used some creative idea with beautifully colored yarn. I am proud to say my prop has been seen in 4 shows between two towns and another 2 shows this weekend are scheduled.
Due to the HIPPA Laws I was not able to photo them being worn as I do not have permission to share peoples personal photos. I was able to hold up one of them backstage to take a snap shot. If a scene is photographed and published publically I will link to it, because seeing them together with the rest of the costume is adorable.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Another Hoppy friend

Soon all the youngsters around here will have a pocket size Hoppy friend.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Hippity Hoppity ta-dah!

With Easter around the corner I decided to spend alittle time today making a free pattern of this bunny rabbit.

Pattern can be found here ! Thank you for sharing such a cute pattern, Jeanette!

This was created for my cousin, who is soon to be 15 in a few weeks. Recently informed me that she was getting too old for a basket. She fell in love with him instantly! So much so that she became inspired to learn to crochet herself. I gave her a few pointers tonight even! I'm proud to say she left being able to complete a granny square!! Yay, I have planted seed to having another to spend hooky time with. 

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Good fiber read

Found this wonderful novel at a rummage and since it includes yarn topics throughout the pages I had to buy it. It was definitely a great read! I would love to be part of such a close group of ladies sharing their craft!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Crochet to the rescue

This weekend was too busy although a lot of fun. I don't know if I mentioned I am the leader to my daughter's Girl Scout troop. It is very rewarding to be able to spend time with her and the other 11 Daisy troops, but it can get hectic at event time. Our counsel hosted the National Girl Scout week pancake breakfast at the Elks lodge. The girls loved being waitresses for the customers. Afterwards we all went bowling. I never knew one game of 10 frames could take so long. We just ended our annual cookie sales, finally! Managing the ordering, finances, and often unorganized parents during this time can get stressful. This year leaders like myself are being rewarded for the extra stress with the chance to win a Kindle Fire!!  I'd love to think I could win, but my chances are no better than the next leaders lol! Finishing out the financial reports has made me long for my "creative time"! Just me sitting in my comfy chair, hot cup of French Vanilla coffee, my new soft yarn and bamboo hook!! What total bliss that would be...  maybe tonight after the munchkins are asleep, the laundry is done and the silence of the house creeps in.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

There's no place like home.

Hello again!
 I have finally returned from our much anticipated trip to my  childhood hometown. It was a wonderful time seeing my granny and uncles. The little ones loved all the sites of such a busy town and were in awe of the large shopping malls. Their favorite places of course were kiddie approved fun! We started out shopping at the very huge shopping mall. They found the coveted  Build a Bear Workshop. Each made their very own special cuddle buddy, tucking a hand picked fabric heart inside before they were stitched up. Then it was off to the wash station to clean off the extra fluff.

Then it was time to celebrate my birthday by having my favorite pizza in the whole world, BLT,  only made by a Quad City Legend known as Happy Joe's Pizza. I didn't care which restaurant we went to enjoy one just that we had that pizza! We chose to make it worthwhile for the kiddos too and went to the one that offered an indoor playground & arcade, Jungle Bungle. It looked a little like this the whole time there, excuse the blurred little guy running he didn't even eat while there. I think he had  more fun for my big day than I did.

After resting and a much needed nap for my little ones we ventured out for another childhood favorite, ice cream at none other than Whitey's Ice Cream! The thickest malts in town.
I did some yarn shopping at three big craft stores all over town. My bounty was splendid!! I thank my wonderfully understanding husband for indulging in my "boring to the man" looky loo for hooky goodies!! He was so patient and helpful to carry it to the register!
 I have lots of crafty hooking ideas for my new yarn. I have started on another infinity scarf in the bright rainbow color on the bottom of the pile to the far right. I'm only four rows into it and loving the colors already. It's going to be perfect for Spring time chilly days yet to come. Currently we are suffering through yet another snowfall that started out very heavy. It's tapered down to a light snow now of a few inches. Just enough to spark the "Yuck effect" of slushy mess.